Water and sewer rates are based on the usage of 1,000 gallons. The rates below are effective May 1, 2024.
Inside City Limits
Water Usage Charges – $9.00 Monthly User Fee+ $3.95/1,000 gallons
Sewer Usage Charges – $10.00 Monthly User Fee (Residential Meter)+ $4.85/1,000 gallons
Minimum Monthly Bill – $24
Outside City Limits
Water Usage Charges – $13.50 Monthly User Fee+ $5.93/1,000 gallons
Sewer Usage Charges – $15.00 Monthly User Fee+ $7.28/1,000 gallons
Sewer User Fees – By Meter Size
3/4” Meter $10.00 Monthly – Residential Meter
1” Meter $13.00 Monthly
1.5” Meter $30.00 Monthly
2” Meter $42.00 Monthly
3” Meter $97.00 Monthly
4” Meter $150.00 Monthly
A $5 Capital Improvement Fee is also charged to each metered user. The $5 capital fee is deposited into the Water and Sewer Capital Fund and only water and sewer capital improvements are expended from this fund. Capital improvements to the water and sewer system amount to $4,600,000for Fiscal Year 2024-2025, including City-wide lead service line replacement, replacement of the watermain at Watson Road and Cooper Court, and repairs to the primary clarifier and the iron filtration pump at the water treatment plant.